Twilight,New Moon,Eclipse & Breaking dawn.
right.im now officially a fan to Steph's novel.sweet.
i juz finished new moon.but i noe soon i'll finish every single page of these novels in 2 days (as if i dun work) :)
its an addiction u noe.having each sentences on the book go to ur mind through ur eyes & then imagination to the heart.tis is how it worked on me.itz like a blind man watching a movie.u cant see the images but somehow u feel how it was like from the words.how magical :)
i even got myself memorize the quotes in the story.how scary.
and yea i admit im not a novel fan but thanks for the movie im now burrying my head into the books already.the book is always near me before i finish reading it.beside my bed,in my bag,on my office table,on the coffe table,one the shelf...gosh i'm bringing the book travelling same like how it take my mind travel through the story.haha~silly me..
wut my comment is tat the movie is not as good as the novel since itz a adaption but still,if i havent read the book,i would say the movie is really awesome.not like im saying it's bad,but i juz prefer the novel.
apparently i do listen to the soundtrack of the movie coz some of them is nice.i would prefer "Decode" from Paramore & "Bella's Lullaby" music by Carter Burwell.
i guess it's kinda hard for my friends to understand y i'm so addicted now.haha~
dun worry,it wont last long,i promise :D
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