* easy say,hard to do XD *
i oways sleep while my dad drive me to have breakfast & work..
he gets angry but i really cant help it >.<
my eye lid drop very fast! .... (-.-)zzz..
nothin' much today actually..
the customer for the nail name card come today.kinda nervous o.o
luckily she is very kind and i enjoy talking wit her =)
im nervous becoz tat old man told me tat she is fierce.
we talked bout nails,nails and all nails!
i really like those nail arts but i cant have them on me ...y?
basuh baju..*bling bling drop* o.o
basuh pinggang...*bling bling drop again* O.O
ah...too bad =\ maybe i wanna have the french style nails~

*according to the lady,tis kinda nail have many procedures and it's very hard to get the best result.simple but hard! =\
then i traced the supermarket's logos for the man behind me.
suddenly the clerk went in wit a man and she ask
"siapa buat name card eastern herb??siapa??"
"tu Fakri buat tu.tapi dia pi hospital tadi x balik lagi."
she started to look around.my instinct tell me tat she will ask me to follow the work.and yeah a "lucky" guess from me -.-
she walks closer..
"eh wat r u doin now?if nothin then help me do the name card for tis man"
"but ..but.."
i didnt say "ok" or "sure" and she juz pick me to follow the job..aih..
no choice, the man is standing there and he wants to see his name card design.
then he starts to pointed at the pc screen.
"er tis dun wan.i wan tis pic bigger...ah ah ok ok.then tat color...then..then..."
he is a nice man.he jokes and i was like *phew~* another good tempered customer.kekeke XD
i cant finish tis card today.so have to bring home.he will be visiting our office tomorrow.ah~hope i can finish it...
b4 goin back,i do some editting and then the old man came in.he sits between me and the man behind me.suddenly...
!!!ARGHHHH!!! \(OxO)/ TOXIC GAS!!!
tat old man FART!!shyt...
then he juz simply walk away...and laugh!
me and the man behind me was like O.O wth...
everyone heard the sound and they start to laugh...funny meh...damm smelly...
remember tis old man.tis is the third time u fart in the office wit sound effect!damm.... >:-(
`i wan a new clamshell phone.... >.<
-currently listening to Big Bang (빅뱅) - Tae Yang (태양) - look only at me (나만 바라봐)
WTF ! farty pants~~~~
seriously,i hate him -.-
yeah, no manners!
POOT back at him !! HAHA!
wah!u can poot whenever u wan ka?
then u help me poot him lo XD
yes i have tis special ability .
POOT anywher anytime anyhow LOL.
Lol Awww Poor Alicia.. haha..I bet Phen was in the disguise of that old man. J/k.
Omgosh, your listening to Only look at me :D, its a nice song xD.
[P.S. FOUND YOUR BLOG! hehe....]
phen...u sure is a weird fish -.-"
shud stand far far from u...*shuu...*
gav!thx for dropin' by~how r ya? =D
u found me?from where?
and yea~tat is a NICE song ~ ^3^
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